NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Environmental Studies


Question 1:

Animals has which powers ?


Animals have the power of seeing, smelling and to realise.

Question 2:

How an animal find out his companion ?


An animal find out his companion by smelling.

Question 3:


Question 4:

How an ant find out his way ?


As the ants move, they leave a scent on the ground. The other ants follow the smell to find the way.

Question 5:

How male insects recognise their females ?


Male insects can recognise their females by their smell.

Question 6:

ow mosquitoes know where you are ?


Mosquitoes can find you by the smell of your body. They also find you by the smell of the sole of your feet and the heat of your body.

Question 7:

How a dog can find out that another dog has come into their area ?


Dogs can find out if another dog has come to their area by the smell of its urine or potty (laterine).

Question 8:

From the smell of the clothes of your family members can you say whom do they belong to ?


1. The clothes of elder can be recognise by the smell of sweat.
2. The clothes of kids by the smell of urine or potty.

Question 9:

Is a smell good or bad for everyone in the same way ? Or does it


A smell is good or bad depend on how each one thinks about it.

Question 10:

Why some birds move their neck very often ?


In most of the birds eyes are fixed and cannot move, so birds have to turn their heads to see around.

Question 11:

Which birds can see four times as far as we can ?


Some birds like kites, eagles, vultures can see four times as far as we can.

Question 12:

Can snake feel the vibration on the ground ?


Snakes do not have external ears. Even then they can feel the vibration on the ground.

Question 13:

Why birds make special warning call


Birds make special warning call to alert the other birds and even other animals about some danger.

Question 14:

Do some animals come to know about earthquake or storm before hand ?


Yes, some animals come to know about earthquake or storm before hand. They start behaving in a different way when an earthquake or storm is about to come.Therefore, they do different action.

Question 15:

How an animal find out his companion ?


An animal find out his companion by smelling.

Question 16:

How did the tribes of Andaman Island people get the warning of Tsunami in December 2005 ??


The tribes of Andaman Island guessed the danger by noticing the behaviour of the animals.

Question 17:

Can Dolphins make different sounds to give messages to each other ?


Yes, dolphins make different sounds to give message to each other..

Question 18:

Do animals have a special language of their own ?


Scientists believe that many animals have a special language of their own.

Question 19:

Have you noticed lizard in winter season. Where they have gone suddenly ?


No, the lizards are not seen in winter season. Lizards go into long sleep in winter season.

Question 20:

For how many hours, in a day, sloth sleeps while hanging upside down on a tree branch ?


17 hours.

Question 21:

After how long a sloth comes down from the tree to relieve itself ?


Once a week.

Question 22:

How many times better a tiger can see at night than most of humans ?


Six times.

Question 23:

Why a tiger changes its sound according to purpose ?


Tiger make different sounds for different purposes like when it is angry so to call out to a tigress.

Question 24:

Why elephants are killed ?


Elephants are killed for their tusk.

Question 25:

To protect the tigers which forests has been made protected area by the government ?


1. Jim Corbett National Park in Uttrakhand.
2. Ghana in Bharatpur district in Rajasthan.

Question 26:

Why tiger, crocodile and snake are killed ?


They are killed for their skin.

Question 27:

What are the causes of decreasing number of tigers and other animals ?


1. Hunting
2. Destruction of natural habitat due to cutting of forests
3. Forest fire.


Question 28:

On which sound (melodity) snake dance ?


Snake dance on the sound of a been.

Question 29:

What we call the snake charmer ?


Snake charmer are called Kabeliyas.

Question 30:

Where snake is kept by snake charmer ?


Snake is kept in bamboo basket by snake charmer.

Question 31:

What snake charmer keep with them ?


Snake charmer keep herbs as a medicine..

Question 32:

What people give to snake charmer in place of medicines ?


People give food grains or money.

Question 33:

Why people call snake charmer to their house ?


People call snake charmer to their residence for the treatment of snake bite.

Question 34:

How snake charmer comes to know that which snake has bitten ?


From the mark of the snake’s bite, charmer tries to find out which snake had bitten the person. Then he gives a medicine for that.

Question 35:

Are all snakes poisonous ?


No, all the snakes are not poisonous.

Question 36:

How snakes are made harmless ?


Snakes are made harmless byremoving their poisonous teeth (fangs).

Question 37:

What steps Government has taken to protect the wild animals ?


Government has made a law that no one can catch wild animals and keep them. Some people kill the animals and sell their skins at high prices so they made a law against this. Now purchasing, selling and keeping the skin or part of the body of a wild animal is an offence.


Question 38:

Which juice is present in our stomach ?


Gastric juice is present in our stomach which is hydrochloric acid.

Question 39:

Why there is acidity in the stomach ?


Acidity is due to the release of excess of acid in the stomach.

Question 40:

How much time is taken in our stomach to digest unboiled milk


2 hours 15 minutes.

Question 41:

How did the tribes of Andaman Island people get the warning of Tsunami in December 2005 ??


3 hours 30 minutes.

Question 42:

How much time is taken to digest full boiled egg ?


The process of breaking down the complex food in the body to simpler forms is called digestion.

Question 43:

What is digestion ?


If the food is enough nutritious and balanced it is called a proper food.

Question 44:

What do you understand by proper food ?


If the children do not get proper food their stomach and limbs swell up. They remain dwarf. Their weight reduces. They feel tired.

Question 45:

What problems can happen to children if they do not get proper food ?


Due to cold our smelling power is reduced, due to which we cannot smell the food properly so we can not taste the food properly.

Question 46:

Why bottles are kept in sunlight before putting pickle in them ?


So that water is removed from the bottles. If there is water in the bottle food item stored in it will be spoiled. Fungus will grow in it.

Question 47:

To enjoy the mangoes around the year what things we make from it ?


To enjoy the mangoes around the year we make pickles, aam papad, chuttney, toffee, juice etc.

Question 48:

How food is spoiled ?


Fungus is produced on the food which produces harmful chemicals, due to which it is spoiled.

Question 49:

From where fungus come in the spoiled foods ?


When food is kept in the air for sometime, the spores of fungus present in the air land on it. The spores fallen on the food germinate and food is spoiled.

Question 50:

What are the causes of spoiling of food ?


Food is spoiled due to following reasons :
1. Due to over cooking.
2. Keeping it for long time.
3. Keeping it at higher temperature and in humid atmosphere.

Question 51:

How food can be saved from spoiling ?


Food can be saved from spoiling by following methods.
1. By cooking
2. By boiling
3. Keeping in Fridge etc.
4. By mixing excess of salt and sugar
5. By keeping, it in the open and protecting
it from moisture.

Question 52:

Write the method to make aam papad.


To make aam papad select ripe mangoes. Take out the mango pulp into a large pot. Then strain the pulp through a fine muslin cloth, to remove the fibres from the pulp. Crush the gur and add gur and sugar in equal amount to the pulp. Mix the gur and sugar well with a spoon. Then spread this pulp into a thin layer over the mat. The thin layer is left to dry in the Sun. In the evening cover the mat with a clean saree to avoid any dust. On the next day again spread the pulp over the previous days layer. Each day spread one layer. Add layer after layer until the Jelly grew four centimetres thick and looked like a golden cake. In this way papad is ready. Take it out and cut it into pieces.


Question 53:

What is required by seeds to sprout ?


Air, water and soil is required by a seed to sprout.

Question 54:

Why Chana swells up on soaking ?


Chana absorbs water on soaking and swells up.

Question 55:

Why we should eat sprouted pulses and chana ?


Sprouted chana and pulses are more nutritious than normal chana (not sprouted). Therefore, we should eat sprouted pulses and chana.

Question 56:

How the seeds of plant spread ?


1. Seeds of some plants spread by air.
2. Seeds of some plants have hooks, with the help of these hooks they stick to the clothes of man and hair of animals.
3. Some plants themselves spread their seed.
4. Man also knowingly or unknowingly take the seeds from one place to other.

Question 57:

How did the idea of velcro came to the Mestral of Switzerland ?


One day george Mestral came from a walk with his dog. He was amazed to find seeds sticking all over his clothes and on his dog’s fur. He observed that these seeds had many tiny hooks which got stuck to clothes or fur. This gave Mestral an idea of making velcro. He made a material with similar tiny hooks that would stick. Velcro is used to stick together many things—clothes, shoes, bags, belts and many more.

Question 58:

Do you know from where chillies came to our country ?


These were brought to India by traders coming from South America. Now it is grown in the whole India.

Question 59:

Write the names of seeds which are used in spices.


Dhania, Illaichi, Saunf, Zeera and black pepper are used in spices.

Question 60:

Have you ever seen any seed flying ?


Yes, seeds of some plants fly in the air. These seeds are light, they have small hairs.


Question 61:

Who made the Ghadsisar ? How big it is ? Describe.


King Ghadsi of Jaisalmer made it 650 years ago with the help of the people. All around there are Ghats with steps leading to the water, decorated verandahs, large halls, rooms and much more. Rain water collected in it spread over many miles. It was made in such a way that when the lake was full, the extra water flowed into another lake at a lower level. When that too was filled up, The extra water flowed into the third lake and so on filling nine such interconnected lakes. The collected rain water could be used throughout the year and there was no shortage of water.

Question 62:

Who was Al-Biruni ? What has wrote about ponds of India


Al-Biruni was traveller who came to India from Uzbekistan thousand years ago. He wrote about the ponds at that time. The people here are very skilled in making ponds my countrymen would be surprised to see them. They pile up high rodes and join them with iron rods to build chabutaras all around the lake. Between these, there are rows of long stair cases for going up and down. The steps for going up and coming down are separate, so there is less crowdling.

Question 63:

How is the area around your school ? Where the rain water around it goes ?


Area around our school’s cemented Here drains and roads are cemented and rain water goes to earth drains, pipes and diletres.

Question 64:

Why there is great shortage of water in Jaisalmer of Rajasthan and other areas ?


Besides Jaisalmer, many area in Rajasthan get very little rainfall. Here, it rains for only ten to twelve days in the entire year. The rivers, here donot have water in them all round the year. Therefore, there is shortage of water.

Question 65:

How the people of villages in Rajasthan collect the water ?


Here people has made lakes and Johadi to collects water. Some water from the lakes is soaked by the ground and reaches the wells and bavadis in that area. The soil of the area also became wet and fertile.

Question 66:

How people collect rain water in houses ?


Every house has a system to collect the rain water. Rain water that falls on the roof reaches the under ground tank. This water can be used when needed.

Question 67:

Are there any custom related to water ?


Yes, there are many customs, festivals and celebration related to water. At some places whenever lake get filled with rain water. The people gather around the lake to celebrate. In the cities one can see this custom. The new bride worships the tap in her house.

Question 68:

Now a days how people make arrangement of water by different ways.


1. By water tanker
2. Tap
3. Installing pump on the tap water pipeline.
4. Wells
5. By installing water motor
6. By hand pump
7. Taking water from canal.

Question 69:

Why tulu pump is put on the Jal board pipeline ?


When there is no water or less water in Jal board pipeline then people put Tulu pump to get more water.

Question 70:

How Tarun Bharat Sangh helped to solve the water problem of Darki mai’s village ?


Darki mai’s women who lives in a village of Alwar district of Rajasthan. She made a lake in the village with the help of Tarun Bharat Sangh. The problem of food and water for animals was solved people get more milk. They have started earning more.

Question 71:

What function the Tarun Bharat Sangh performs ?


It rebuild the old lakes and Jahadi, it also build new ones..

Question 72:

Make two posters relating water.


1. Water on earth is for one for all “Think of some other”.
2. “Save water for your children, not the money.”

Question 73:

What information do you get from the water bill of your house ?


We get the following information from the water bill of our house :
1. What is the period of the water bill ?
2. How much money is to paid on the bill.
3. Sometimes repair and miscellaneous charges are also added in the bill.

Question 74:

When does an object floats on water ?


The object which can displace the volume of water which has more weight than the weight of the body, floats on the surface of water otherwise it sinks.

Question 75:

An iron needle sinks while a heavy ship floats. Why ?


Because ship displaces more water than its own weight while a needle cannot displace more water than its own weight. Therefore, ship floats while a needle sinks down

Question 76:

An egg sinks when put into the water. But when a spoon of salt is added then it floats. Why ?


When salt is added to the water then it becomes concentrated, due to which its density increases. So, the weight of the water displaced by egg has now more weight than that of the egg. So, the egg floats now.

Question 77:

Why is it easy to swim in dead sea ?


It is very easy to swim in dead sea, because dead sea has large quantity of salt dissolved in it, due to which its density is quite more, due to which it is easy to swim in it.

Question 78:

What do you mean by density ?


Density. The mass per unit volume of a substance is called its density.

Question 79:

Name two soluble and insoluble substances.


Soluble substances. Sugar and salt. Insoluble substances. Chalk powder and raw wood.

Question 80:

Does water solve in water ?


No water does not solve in water.

Question 81:

What is evaporation ?


A liquid evaporates on heating. The process of changing water vapours is called evaporation.

Question 82:

When a wet cloth is spread in sunlight, how does it dries up ?


When cloth is put in sunlight, the water in it evaporates, due to which the cloth dries up.

Question 83:

How Tarun Bharat Sangh helped to solve the water problem of Darki mai’s village ?


Darki mai’s women who lives in a village of Alwar district of Rajasthan. She made a lake in the village with the help of Tarun Bharat Sangh. The problem of food and water for animals was solved people get more milk. They have started earning more.

Question 84:

What are the conditions of evaporation ?


1. High temperature
2. Blowing air
3. More surface area.

Question 85:

Describe the Dandi March incident.


In 1930, before independence Gandhiji did the Dandi March to break the salt law. Salt can be made easily from sea water. But Indians were not allowed to make the salt, people had to purchase costlier salt from the market. People had to pay tax for the same. Gandhiji with other people went on a Yatra from Ahmedabad to the Dandi sea shore in Gujarat to protest against the salt law. British Govt. imprisoned Gandhi Ji.

Question 86:

How is salt made ?


Sea water is filled in small pits on the ground. The water dries up in the strong sunlight and heaps of salt are left behind.


Question 87:

How medicine used for malaria is prepared from a plant ?


The medicine for malaria is prepared from cinchona tree’s bark. Previously people used to boil the bark and then filter it. Now medicine is made from the bark.

Question 88:

What is anaemia ?


The deficiency of blood is called anaemia. Person suffering from the deficiency of haemoglobin or iron in the blood has anaemia.

Question 89:

What we should eat in an anaemic condition ?


In anaemic condition we should eat jaggery, amla, guava, spinach (palak) and green leafy vegetables.

Question 90:

Which diseases are caused by mosquitoes ?


Mosquitoes spread Malaria, Dengue, Chickengunnia.

Question 91:

What is your responsibility so that there is no mosquito near your house and school ? What you do for this ?


So that no mosquito breed near our house and school, we should not allow water to collect near them. If water collects near them we should spray kerosene oil on it.

Question 92:

How you will come to know that someone has malaria ?


If a person has fever with cold and shivering then that person must be suffering from malaria. We should also test the blood to see if malarial parasite is there or not.

Question 93:

When and in which field Ranold Ross got the noble prize ?


Ranold Ross got noble prize in December 1902 in the field of medicine.

Question 94:

How malaria spread by mosquitoes ?


Malaria is spread by the protozoan plasmodium.

Topic : UP YOU GO!

Question 95:

Where is Nehru Institute of mountaineering situated ?


Uttar Kashi.

Question 96:

How are the mountain paths ?


Mountain paths are narrow, haphazard and uneven.

Question 97:

Who was the director of adventure course ?


Brigadier Gyan Singh.

Question 98:

Write two responsibilities of group leader ?


1. Group leader should help those who cannot climb properly.
2. He should look after those who are not well.

Question 99:

What is given in breakfast to the climbers ?


In the breakfast Vitamin C, iron tablets and hot chocolate milk is given to the climber.

Question 100:

Who was the first Indian woman who climbed the Mount Everest ?


Bachhendri Pal was the first Indian woman who climbed on the Mount Everest.

Question 101:

Which famous Pahadi song Bachhendri Pal sung ?


'Bedu Pako, bara masa kafal paka chaita, meri chhaila.''

Question 102:

Which famous Pahadi song Bachhendri Pal sung ?


'Bedu Pako, bara masa kafal paka chaita, meri chhaila.''

Question 103:

In hilly area where camp are arranged at night ?


Camps arranged on a height or in a cave.

Question 104:

What is Rampling ?


Returning back from rock, in mountaineering language is called rampling.


Question 105:

In which, state Golconda Fort is situated ?


In Hydrabad in Telangana.

Question 106:

Who lived inside the Golconda Fort ?


Beside Sultan many people used to live in the fort. Farmers and people working in the factories might have been living in the fort.

Question 107:

How many gates were there in Golconda Fort ? Write their names.


There were eight gates in the Golconda Fort. These are—Fateh Darwaja, Bamni Darwaja, Makai Darwaja, Potanncherm Darwaja, Banjara Darwaja, Jarmail Darwaja, Moti Darwaja, Bodli Darwaja.

Question 108:

What were the palaces in Golconda fort ?


There were five palaces in Golconda fort–Moti Mahal, Mahal Tarsmati, Shahi Mahal, Bala Hisar and Naya bila.

Question 109:

Which Emperor came to attack Golconda Fort ? For how many month his army sat outside the Fort ?


Aurangzeb’s army came to attack the Fort with big gun. But could not enter the fort. His army stayed 8 months outside the Fort.

Question 110:

Why fauz of Aurangzeb came here from Delhi ?


Because it is the lust of every emperor or king to extend his kingdom. He also came here so that he can develop contacts with smaller kings and Sultans and annexed them in his kingdom.

Question 111:

Why fauj of Aurangzeb emperor could not enter the Fort with so many guns and big gun ?


The thick walls of the Fort and a long deep trench along the wall of the fort did not allow the Fauj to enter into the Fort. Even if the army of Aurangzeb would have come from the three sides, the soldiers sitting in the bastions could clearly see them. Therefore, it was difficult to attack on the fort.

Question 112:

Why fauj of Aurangzeb emperor could not enter the Fort with so many guns and big gun ?


Sea water is filled in small pits on the ground. The water dries up in the strong sunlight and heaps of salt are left behind.

Question 113:

What information do you get from antiques time things ?


From the antiques time things we come to know how people lived at that time. Which thing they often used and what things they made.


Question 114:

How is our earth ?


Our earth is round.

Question 115:

Who was Sunita William ?


Sunita was the first-Indian woman who remain in space for more than six months.

Question 116:

How Sunita William went to space ?


Sunita William went to space in a space ship.

Question 117:

How we are stayed on the earth ? If earth is like a globe then why don’t we fall ?


Our earth is round like a globe. We stay on the earth due to gravitational force of earth, otherwise, we would have fallen.

Question 118:

Why we cannot stay at one place on the space


We cannot stay at one place in the space. We float on the space due to weightlessness, because there is no gravitational force of attraction of earth in the space.

Question 119:

How did Sunita William eat food in the space ?


Sunita ate food while floating. She reached the dinning room floating and hold the food packets while floating.

Question 120:

In space ship how work is done while staying at one place ?


In the space ship to work at one place one has to be tied with the belt.

Question 121:

How earth looks from the space ?


Earth looks very wonderful and beautiful from the space. From the space the earth appears round clearly.

Question 122:

In the globe lines appears between the countries. Does there are such lines on the earth ?


We have divided the countries on the earth. Each country has its boundaries, which are shown on the map. There are no such lines on the earth in real.

Question 123:

Does moon is flat like coin or rounded like a ball ?


Moon is round like a ball.

Question 124:

How moon looks on full moon night ?


On full moon night moon looks round. On full moon night moon rises early.

Question 125:

Which festivals are connected with moon ?


The following festivals are connected with moon—Buddh Poornima, Id and Raksha Bandhan.

Question 126:

Does it is star or shooting star or satellite which is used for T.V., telephone, and to get the information of weather.


Satellite is used for T.V., telephone and to get information about weather.

Question 127:

Who first landed on the moon ?


In 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first person who landed on the moon.

Topic : WHAT IF IT FINISHES ........ ?

Question 128:

The word oil is used for whom ?


The word oil is used for petrol, diesel and mineral oil.

Question 129:

Write a slogan for saving of oil.


‘‘Petrol and diesel will not last forever. Save it for your children.’’

Question 130:

How oil is extracted from earth ?


Oil is extracted from earth by making holes by the machines.

Question 131:

How much time is taken in the formation of oil ?


It took thousands of years to form oil in the earth by the decomposition of dead organic matter.

Question 132:

What are the uses of sun rays ?


1. Sun rays are used to dry the things.
2. It is used to heat water and to cook food.
3. It is used to produce electricity.
4. It is used to run motors in many countries.

Question 133:

What is the nature of the oil extracted from earth ? How is it refined ?


The oil extracted from earth is a thick viscous pungent smelling liquid. It has many things dissolved in it. It is refined in oil refinery.

Question 134:

Which products are obtained while refining crude oil in refinery ?


We get kerosene, diesel, petrol, engine oil, wax, LPG, coal tar and grease during refining of petroleum.

Question 135:

What is difference in the prices of diesel and petrol in 2007 ?


In 2007 the prices of diesel and petrol are more.

Question 136:

Write the uses of products obtained from petroleum.


1. Petrol and diesel are used as fuel.
2. Petrol is used for dry cleaning.
3. Kerosene oil and LPG are used as domestic fuel.
4. Many products are used for making plastic and paints.

Question 137:

What is harm in cooking food by burning wood and uple ?


1. Wood and uple on burning produce air pollution.
2. It harms the health of the person who cooks food.

Question 138:

In villages people oftenly use which substances to cook food and warm water ?


In villages people oftenly use uple, dry twigs and wood for cooking food and heating water.


Question 139:

Who was Gaurav Jani ?


Gaurav Jani is a person who travelled on his motorcycle alone from Mumbai to Jammu & Kashmir.

Question 140:

Whose name is Loner ?


Loner is Gaurav Jani’s motorcycle.

Question 141:

What is meaning of Loner in English ?


Loner means lonely.

Question 142:

What things Gaurav Jani took with him on his journey ?


Gaurav Jani took with him tent, plastic sheet, sleeping bag, warm clothes, food packets for many days, camera, tins for carrying petrol etc.

Question 143:

At night where Gaurav Jani stays ?


Gaurav Jani stays in his tent at night.

Question 144:

What is a cold desert ?


The area of Ladakh is called a cold desert. It has snow capped mountains.

Question 145:

What type of house Tashi had ?


Tashi’s house was double storeyed. It was made of stones, which were kept one over the other. The walls were coated with a thick layer of mud and lime. The ground floor is for animals and for storing necessary things. The ground floor had no windows. Sometimes, when it gets too cold, they come to ground floor.

Question 146:

How is the Changthang area ?


Changthang is a rocky plain at 5000 metre height. It is so high that it is difficult to breath normally.

Question 147:

How are the people of Changpa tribe ?


The Changpa tribe has only about 5000 people. The Changpa are always on the move with their goats and sheep. It is from these that they get all that they need, milk, meat, skin for tents and wool for coats and sweaters. Their goats are their only treasure. From these goats they get pashmina wool.

Question 148:

What types of houses are made in Jammu & Kashmir ?


In Jammu & Kashmir different types of houses are made which are according to their needs and weather.

Question 149:

What is a house boat ?


In Srinagar, in Dal Lake people live in wooden houses which float on water. These floating houses are called house boats. Many tourists stay in these houseboats.


Question 150:

When on 26th January, 2001 an earthquake came in Bhuj. What was Jasma doing ?


At that time Jasma was 11 years old. On that day Jasma and other children and old people-had gathered in the ground of the school to watch the Republic Day prade on TV.

Question 151:

What did Jasma’s village lost in this earthquake ?


The whole village was flat on the ground. All things-cloths, pots, grains and food-were trapped under the stones, mud and wood from the fallen houses. The village hospital was also damaged. Jasma’s leg also got fractured. Six people of the Jasma’s village died.

Question 152:

In what ways, people from other places, would they have helped Jasma’s village ?


For many days, people from other places, came to Jasma’s village to see them and to help them. They helped the villagers of Jasma’s village by providing them food, clothes and medicines. They arranged tents, as a temporary shelter, for them.

Question 153:

What suggestions were given by scientists to Jasma’s villagers, regarding new houses being rebuild ?


They showed them some special designs for houses with those designs, houses would not get damaged much in an earthquake.

Question 154:

What should we do in case of an earthquake ?


1. If possible leave the building and go to an open ground.
2. If it is not possible to go to an open area, lie down under a strong furniture like table and hold on tightly, so that it does not slip away. What until the shaking stops.

Question 155:

Why do not think one should go under a table during an earthquake ?


It is advised to go under a table during an earthquake because it will save you from being hurt. The garbage may fall on you, the strong table will protect you from injury.

Question 156:

What problems are faced by the people during a flood ?


When there is a flood water spreads all around. The people’s houses are submerged in water. Some people and animals may die. People may become homeless. They need food, drinking water, medicines clothes and shelter.

Question 157:

What will have to do to bring the life back on the line after the flood ?


After the flood it is needed to do the resicue work. Dead bodies of humans and animals needed to be disposed off. To save the people from diseases and to take care of homeless people.


Question 158:

In the winter when we feel cold, then why some times we blow on our hands ?


We feel warm on blowing on our hands in winter, because the air coming from our mouth is warmer than the air around us.

Question 159:

Why Balishtiye was surprised to see that woodcutter was blowing to warm up hands and now he is blowing to cool the hot potatoes ?


Balishtiye was surprised to see that woodcutter was blowing to warm his hands in the morning and now he is blowing to cool the hot potatoes. How could same blow from mouth can warm the hands and cool the hot potatoes ?, he was surprised.

Question 160:

Sonu was feeling very cold. Why he was blowing his hand again and again ?


Sonu was blowing on his hands to feel warmth, because warm air of the mouth gives warmth to his hands and he get relief from the cold.

Question 161:

From which things you can make whistle ?


We can make whistle from wrapper of a toffee, a leaf, a balloon, the cap of a pen etc.

Question 162:

The air coming from your mouth is warmer or cooler than the outer temperature ?


The air coming from our mouth is warmer than the outer temperature.

Question 163:

Why water vapours appear in the mirror when we blow on it ?


When we blow on a mirror then hot air strikes the mirror. The steam cools down into water vapours.

Question 164:

What difference in the measurement of our chest takes place when we jump ?


When we jump our breathing process fastens, due to which our chest moves up and down, and measurement of our chest changes.

Question 165:

What is the difference in counting the breath on jumping and sitting ?


The counting of our breath becomes less on sitting quietly. When we jump then our breath becomes fast. So, the counting of breath increases on jumping.


Question 166:

If no body clean the garbage around your school or house for a week then what would happen ?


If nobody clean the garbage around our school or house then heaps of garbage will collect near them that will give foul smell. Many types of germs, flies, mosquitoes will breed there.

Question 167:

Who was Bhim ? Later on with which name he was called ? What important work he did ?


Bhim Rao Baba Sahib Ambedkar’s childhood name was Bhim. Baba Sahib fought for justice for people like him. After India’s freedom the constitution was prepared under the leadership of Baba Sahib.

Question 168:

When Bhim was a little boy, what incident took place with him ?


Once Bhim saw a barber cutting the long hair of a rich farmer’s buffalo. He went to the barber and asked for a haircut. The barber replied : “If I cut your hair both my razor and I will get dirty.’’ “Oh, so to cut human hair can be dirtier than cutting an animal’s hair”, wondered little Bhim.

Question 169:

Was Gandhiji in favour of untouchability ?


No, Gandhiji was not in favour of untouchability.

Question 170:

What was the talk between Gandhiji and Narayan about the cleaning of dirt from villages ?


Narayan asked Gandhiji if village people do not change their thinking, they might become used to, someone else doing this work for them. Gandhiji replied, ‘‘Why, don’t you think the people who clean, also get harm from it. They should also learn lesson. To learn something, is like learning a new skill even if it is a cleaning job.